DoP Product Payment


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1. Sukanya Samriddhi Account

Bringing convenience at your doorstep with minimal charges, IPPB now introduces the service of making payments to your Sukanya Samriddhi Accounts. The facility can be availed through all the delivery channels – Counters, Doorstep & Mobile Banking App.

Features: Click Here

• IPPB provides you online payment facility to your Sukanya Samriddhi Account
• IPPB notifies you for successful payment transfer made through IPPB mobile application.

• Customer should have an active SSA with Department of Posts
• Customer should be aware of the corresponding SSA account number and Customer ID.


2. Public Provident Fund 

Public Provident Fund is long term and popular scheme. It was introduced by the National Savings Organisation in 1968 to help investors mobilise small savings. Investments under the scheme have respectable returns, along with income tax benefits.

Features: Click Here

        • IPPB provides you online payment facility to your PPF Account. 
        • IPPB notifies you for successful payment transfer made through IPPB mobile application.

• Customer must have active PPF account with Post Office.
• For the instant payment, you should have PPF account number and customer ID.


3. Recurring Deposit Account      

Delighting its customers, IPPB introduces a feature allowing you to make payments to your recurring deposit account. The facility can be availed through multiple channels like Doorstep services, Mobile banking and Post Offices counters. 

Features: Click Here

• IPPB provides you online payment facility to your Recurring Deposit Account. 
• IPPB notifies you for successful payment transfer made through IPPB mobile application.

• Customer must have active Recurring Deposit account with Post Office.
• For the instant payment, you should have Recurring Deposit account number and customer ID.


4. Postal Life Insurance/Rural Postal Life Insurance

Postal Life Insurance (PLI) and Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI) are Life Insurance products of Department of Post with a vision to spread the insurance cover through the length and breadth of the country by utilizing the vast network of Post Offices. Taking this vision ahead, PLI/RPLI premium payments can now be easily done through IPPB. The facility can be availed through all the delivery channels – Counters, Doorstep & Mobile Banking App.

Features: Click Here

• IPPB provides you with an online premium payment facility to your PLI/RPLI policy.
• IPPB provides you with a facility to set a Standing Instruction for recurring/successive premium payments every month towards your PLI/RPLI policy.

• Customer should have an active PLI/RPLI policy with Department of Posts
• Customer should be aware of the corresponding PLI/RPLI policy number and Date of Birth.

Do it yourself : Click here


5. Loan Against Recurring Deposit

A customer who has a Recurring Deposit Account Post Office can easily avail loan against it. After completing one year of Recurring Deposit account, Customer can withdraw up to 50% of the balance. 


Below mentioned few services are not available via mobile application. Please visit our nearest Post Office to avail any of these services:

• Opening of SSA, PPF, RD, LARD
• Claims/Withdrawal
• View of cumulative balances
• Closure of SSA, PPF, RD, LARD


• At the counter – Visit your nearest IPPB access point
• At the doorstep – check more
• Self Service (Mobile banking app) – click here to download app now


Apart from doorstep charges if availed, there are no other charges.