Vehicle Loan

At India Post Payments Bank (IPPB), we understand your aspiration to own your dream two-wheeler (2W), four-wheeler (4W), or commercial vehicle. That's why we offer a convenient vehicle loan referral service to help you navigate the process and get behind the wheel of your desired vehicle.


Select Lending Partner Interest Rate Service Locations Partner’s Website
2W loan
14.50% and above

Auto loan
9.10% to 11.00%(Fixed)
Car Loan
9.99% & above

Pre-owned Car

16.00% & above
3-Wheeler Loan
24.00% & above

Tractor Loan
16.00% & above

18.00% & above

Utility Vehicle Loan
13.00% & above
2W loan
14.50% and above

Auto loan
(New vehicle – Personal use only)
8.30% to 11.00%
Pan India
Please seleact a Lending Partner.


Disclaimer: India Post Payments Bank acts as a Loan Lead Referrer to Lending Partner Banks/NBFCs on non-risk participation basis. Credit at sole discretion of Lending Banks/NBFCs.